Category: Java

  • A quick guide to a producer-consumer using wait, notify, notifyAll in Java

    Let me start by saying that you should never end up directly using wait, notify, or notifyAll(unless you have a good reason). Use a concurrency library if you need to do multithreaded things. Building a producer/consumer using wait/notify/notifyAll is one of those interview questions that you may get when talking about multithreading in Java. Given…

  • DNS response in Java

    The DNS request in Java article focused on the request part. Now that that is done, the next thing is to receive the response and actually parse it. If you’re more interested in the code without all the explanation skip to the end of the article. I’ll be sticking to the tools I’ve already used…

  • DNS requests in Java

    This is the first article in a series of articles focusing on the DNS protocol over UDP and its implementation in java. You can also find the original article I wrote on my The next article focuses on the response of a DNS server and how to parse it. If you’re more interested in…